Here's what the students will be doing this week. If you haven't yet subscribed to my blog, please do so. This allows you to be notified when I post another message. Hope you have a terrific week.
Language Arts
Reading - Henry and Mudge by Cynthia Rylant; Dogs by Marchette Chute
Leveled Readers - Ben and Sooty by Pauline Cartwright; Lucy and Bill by Pauline Cartwright; A Pet That Fits by Pauline CartwrightPhonics - Long vowels /a/a-e, /i/i-e, /o/o-e, /(y)oo/u-e; CVC Pattern in Longer Words
Spelling - same, kite, home, plate, ride, rope, race, rule, broke, tuneBonus Spelling - mistake, bedtime, homemade, classmate, notepad
High Frequency Words - children, different, ears, finally, hundred, shortFluency - Reading Rate
Comprehension - Main Idea and Details; Answer QuestionsRobust Vocabulary - blockades, soaked, misplaced, principles, deny, consider, opinionated, bulk
Grammar - Commands and Exclamations
Writing - Form: Description; Trait - OrganizationMathematics
* Equivalent names for numbers
* Counting Patterns (including looking for patterns on the calculator)* Relations (<,>,=) and Home Links
* Exploring temperatures, Base-10 Structures, and DominoesSocial Studies
* Map Basics - The World on a Globe* North America
* Scientific Method
* Recording observations* A visit to the Science Lab on Wednesday
Parent Reader: Mrs. Leonhirth
Current Events: Tuesday - Reilly and Devin; Wednesday - Chloe and Noah; Thursday - Emerson, Turner; Friday - John and Erin.
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