Hello and welcome back. I hope you and your children had a fantastic Thanksgiving break, as I did. We are now rested and ready to finish off 2010 with a bang. This week we begin our trip to Europe and your child will be given a country to research and present to the class. More information is coming your way tomorrow, so please be on the lookout for this. Our International Festival will be on Thursday, Dec. 16th at 1:00-2:40, which our Second Grade Reps. are planning and coordinating. Countries represented at our festival will be France, Italy, China, Mexico, Peru, Australia, Pakistan and South America. If you would like to participate or share some expertise, please contact Lisa Hahn or myself in the next few days.
Here is our week at a glance. We are currently collecting gifts for the Holiday Gift Drive for Marina, Liam and Landon. Please wrap and label each gift with the Family number and Child's name. A post it or peel away label on the gift with gift content is helpful. On Friday, Dec. 10, the students will carry the gifts to the gym to be sorted by family. Thanks for your generosity for this family in need.
Parent Reader - Hutch C.
Current Events - Tuesday: Lauren W, Jonathan; Wednesday:McIntosh, Brenna; Thursday:Samuel, Julia; Friday:Kendall, Abby
Language Arts
* Phonics - long vowel e/ey, y; inflections -ed, -es (y to i)
* Spelling - chimney, nobody, breezy, twenty, keyhole, valley, money, hungry, donkey, speedy, picture, question, favorite, minute, especially
* Reading - At Play:Long Ago and Today by Lynnette R. Brent
* Fluency - Good readers pay attention to punctuation. They pause when they come to a comma, a period, a question mark, or an exclamation mark
* Comprehension - Author's Purpose
* Vocabulary - recently, housed, official, nominate, recreation, leisurely, ramble, archaic
* Grammar - Singular Possessive Nouns
* Writer's Workshop - Writing for Readers: Teaching Skills and Strategies
Mathematics - Unit 4
* Temperature changes and reading a thermometer
* Using estimation to solve problems for which an exact answer is not necessary
* Help develop strategies for adding 2-digit numbers mentally; calculating the total cost of two items; making change for whole-dollar amounts up to $100
* Exploring length, area and attributes
Social Studies
* Europe (location and basic facts)
* Country research
* Harvest our garden
* Changes: A dissolving race: warm and cold water
Comparing the temperature of two cups of water and reflecting on other factors they have investigated, students expand their understanding of the process of dissolving.
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