Welcome to another week in second grade.
We have just finished our study of Australia with the students sharing their paragraph's and artwork depicting some of Australia's amazing landmarks and what a terrific job they did. Next, we journey to Asia - the largest continent. If you or someone you know would like to come in to be a guest presenter relating to Asia or one of the countries in Asia, please email me. We'd love to have you in.
Next Monday, the class are excited to be leading town meeting at 8:10am. Please come watch us if you have some time. On this day, we will also celebrate Valentine's Day with a snack in the morning and Valentine exchange at the end of the day.
A reminder that your child should be bringing a healthy snack to school each day. Maybe you could have your child pack their own snack as part of their homework/morning routine.
This Thursday in Parent/Teacher Conference Day and no school for the students. I am looking forward to chatting with you about your child's progress and handing out their second semester report card.
The character trait for February is forgiveness.
Parent Reader (Friday, Feb.11) - D. Craig
Feb. 14 - Sharing at Town Meeting and Valentine's Day (send your child a card)
Feb. 16th - Science Matters Teach in 1-2:30pm
Feb. 18 - No School
Feb. 20 - President's Day, No school
Feb. 25 - Spirit Day Wear green and gold!
Language Arts
Phonics: ir/ear, eer
Spelling: see homework folder
Reading: the Life of George Washington Carver by Joli K. Stevens
Fluency: Good readers make sure they read words accurately and that they correct themselves if they make a mistake.
Comprehension: Locate Information using reference resources; Ask questions
Robust Vocabulary: brew, snug, supplies, crop, provide, earn, committee, experiments, innovation, edible
Grammar: Words that compare
Writing: Narrative
Trait: Word Choice
Mathematics: Unit 6
* Collect, sort, tally and graph data
* Select and complete an appropriate diagram to help solve an addition or subtraction problem
* Subtraction Strategies (2 digit subtraction)
* Exploring arrays, coins and division
Social Studes
Students will begin to gather information about Asia using various printed materials.
Classifying rocks into three groups: igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic
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