Celebrate the Arts kicked off to a great start this morning, with a performance by the cast of Singing in the Rain. The dancing got our feet moving and put us all in a good mood. Each day, a different activity has been planned to celebrate the arts. On Tuesday, the students will be visited by picture lady. On Wednesday, they will watch the Yum Yum Drum group performance. On Thursday, the students will go on an art walk to view art created by out Shorecrest community, and later watch a jazz group perform. On Friday they will participate in visiting artists' workshops (Session 1 - Mrs. Bell - Fabric; Session 2 - Andrew Gyilfoil - Dance) and later Picnic Lunch and Early Childhood and Lower Division Performance (Please join us).
Our caterpillars have undergone an amazing transformation - the third stage in its life cycle - they have formed a chrysalis and will stay hidden for about a week, and emerge as a beautiful Painted Lady Butterfly. The students are working on their observational skills and realizing that even at this apparent inactive stage, important changes are taking place within the chrysalis.
Here are some addition activities planned in the classroom. Please help your child practice his/her spelling words, that are tested every Friday. Your child should also be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes each day.
Parent Reader - J. Emerson
Current Events - Tuesday: Hailey, Channing; Wednesday: Shaherzad, Aidan; Thursday: Rylan, Zaynab; Friday: Lauren E. and Gage
Language Arts
* Phonics: vowel variant /o/aw, au (gh)
* Spelling: hawk, daughter, seesaw, naughty, author, because, lawn, launch, caught, fault, sauce, haul, forty, taught, report
* Reading: My Name is Gabriela" by Monica Brown (Biography)
* Fluency: Good readers pay attention to punctuation as they read
* Comprehension: Cause and Effect and using Graphic Organizers
* Robust Vocabulary: accent, native, beyond, create, noticed, award, literature, grand, aspire, accolade
* Vocabulary: Antonyms
* Grammar: More irregular verbs
* Writing: Prompt writing - a good conclusion; revision
Mathematics - Unit 8
* Fraction number stories
* Review Unit 8 and assessment
* Math Game Reflection
Social Studies - Africa
Partner research on people of Africa
Science - Caterpillar to Chrysalis
Observation of chrysalis and developing parts of it. The pupa is hanging head-down. Two dark bulges are visible where the compound eyes are forming. Between the eyes, the side of the mouth parts, the black antenna might be evident. A generalized wing shape will be seem.
Students will make informal observations each day until the butterflies emerge.
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