Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 30th- February 3rd

How lovely it was to meet the Grandparents and Special Friends of your children last Friday. The children were so happy to show their Grandparents and Special Friend's their work, classroom and school. I saw so many smiling faces in both the Grandparents, friends and students.
Today the students wrote a reflection about the day, which I plan on having them record on Voice Thread to add to their Second Grade Electronic Portfolio.

Important Dates:
*Aesop's Fables will be performing in the recreation gym on Tuesday, Feb. 7th at 1pm for grades EC-2.
* Our class shares at Town Meeting on Monday, February 13th at 8:10. Come watch our class present.
* Conference Day is on Thursday, February 9th
* Professional Development Day is on Friday, February 17th. No school on this day for the students
* Relay for Life Cook Out will be on Wednesday, February 15th. Sage Dining School Lunch will not be available that day. Order forms were sent home last Friday for the Lower Division Cookout
* Current Events: Tuesday - Emma, Caden; Wednesday: Zara, Cian; Thursday: Luke, Lizzie; Friday: Genesis, Maverick
* Parent Reader - 8:10 (Friday) - Mrs. Camp
* Class Picture Day: Class picture day will take place on the morning of Wednesday, February 29th in the Crisp Gym
* Fourth Grade Program and Rehearsal: Dress Rehearsal on Thursday Feb. 2nd at 8:30am and the show is on Friday Feb. 3rd at 8:30am.
* Box-Tops - Keep sending in Box-Tops, which is money for our school
* Hats and Sunscreen - Please make sure your child comes to school with a hat and sunscreen. The students learning how important it is to be sun safe and sun smart!
Science Week - February 27th - March 8th
Oldie Goldie Book Fair - Friday, February 24th - Begin gathering books to donate now!
Field Day - Friday, March 9th
Ident-a-Kid - Wednesday, March 21st

Here is our week at a glance.

Language Arts
* Review spelling and phonics (you will find the review list in your child's Take Home Folder)
* Reading: Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox; What's My Job? Reader's Theater
* Vocabulary: memory, medal, speckled, wonderful
* Fluency: Review intonation and reading with accuracy
* Comprehension: Review setting, following directions, read ahead to monitor comprehension, using clues in the story to answer questions
* Grammar: Review adjectives, number words and words that compare
* Writing: Revise and Publish
* Handwriting Without Tears: y and j. Bump the lines. Form letters from top to bottom

Mathematics - Unit 5
* Making shapes out of triangles and rectangles
* Compare and contrast characteristics of 3D shapes
* Drawing and counting line segments
* Construct pyramids and explore the relationship among the number of faces, edges, and vertices in pyramids
* Line symmetry

Social Studies - Australia
Complete book about Australia

Science - Changes
Liquid to solid (cream to butter)

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23-26

Here is our week at a glance. I have posted two previous blogs about Valentine's Day and Grandparents and Special Friends Day, so please check these out.

Important Dates:
* Grandparents and Special Friends Day is on Friday, January 27th (noon dismissal on this day). If your child's special guest is checking your child out, please have them do this from the classroom.
*Aesop's Fables will be performing in the recreation gym on Tuesday, Feb. 7th at 1pm for grades EC-2.
* Our class shares at Town Meeting on Monday, February 13th at 8:10. Come watch our class present.
* Conference Day is on Thursday, February 9th. I will send home a reminder this week confirming the time you signed up for. If this is not a convenient time, please let me know and I would be happy to schedule your child's conference on another day.
* Professional Development Day is on Friday, February 17th. No school on this day for the students.
* Relay for Life Cook Out will be on Wednesday, February 15th. Sage Dining School Lunch will not be available that day. Order forms were sent home last Friday for the Lower Division Cookout
* Current Events: Tuesday - Gabby, John; Wednesday - Lucy, Connor; Thursday - Quentin, Skyler; Friday - Lucile, Ethan
* Parent Reader - 8:10 (Friday) - Mrs. Crupi

Language Arts
* Phonics - r-Controlled vowel ir/ear, eer
* Spelling - eardrum, dear, pioneer, career, engineer, fear, tear, earrings, nearby, year, several, never, getting, earth, group
* Reading - Aboriginal Legends (Tales of the Dreamtime adapted by Vashti Farrer); Factual texts about Australia
* Fluency - Good readers try to read every word correctly, including the words in the title and headings in non-fiction selection. If they make a mistake, they go back and reread so that the heading or sentence makes sense.
* Comprehension - Good readers learn how to answer questions about what they are reading. Answers to some questions are found looking back in the selection. Other questions may require them to think about the information in the selection and then use their own knowledge to come up with an answer.
* Robust Vocabulary - dazzled, plunged; quarrel; announce
* Grammar - Words that compare
* Handwriting Without Tears - Letter y and j - bump the line
* Writing - Good writers proofread and edit their draft to improve the quality of their writing

Mathematics - Unit 5
* Investigating polygons and quadrangles using geoboards
* Identify the names and characteristics of various quadrangles, and explore the similarities and differences among quadrangles
* Compare and contrast characteristics of 3 D shapes

Social Studies - Australia
Celebrate Australia Day on the 26th by baking Anzac cookies, exploring Aboriginal art, and Australian slang and games.

Science - Changes
Cream to butter.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Grandparents and Special Friends Day

Grandparents and Special Friends Day will take place on Friday, January 27. There will be a noon dismissal on that day. Below is the approximate schedule for that morning:

8:30-9:00 A.M. - Continental Breakfast - Student Center
9:00-9:45 A.M. - Program in the Janet Root Theatre (Grandparents and Special Friends only. Ending time is approximate.)
10:00 -11:00 A.M. - Grandparents visit classrooms and tour campus.
12:00 - Dismissal

If your child's special guest plans to take them before noon dismissal (as arrange with you beforehand), they must come to the classroom and sign them out.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I know that Mrs. Piper already sent you an email, but just wanted to reminder you about our special Valentine's surprise.

The second grade team is asking each family to send in a simple Valentine to your child through the mail by February 4th. SHHHH! This is a surprise, so please do not tell them about it. It should be addressed as follows:

Shorecrest Preparatory School
5101 First Street NE
St. Petersburg, FL 33703
Attn: child's name/Ms. O'Mullane's class (2-2)

Monday, January 16, 2012

January 17-20

Welcome to our four day week. I hope you enjoyed your long weekend. Yesterday we celebrated the birthday of Martin Luther King Junior and the difference he made in the lives of so many people. He was a man who stood for equality and braveness. He was a role model and an inspiration to many.

Last week the students learned a little about the life and work of Doctor King and the great leader he was. The students listed various character traits associated with Doctor King and compared it to traits associated with themselves. This work lead to us looking closely at the Shorecrest Honor Pledge, and ways we can be good role models. This inspired the students and I to create a Voice Thread (which you will see at the top of my blog) about the Shorecrest Honor Pledge. As stated on the Shorecrest website, "Honor" has many meanings, and at Shorecrest, we emphasize those that place value on honesty, integrity, individual responsibility and on the development of relationships rooted in respect.

Some Important Dates to Mark on Your Calendar:

* Grandparents and Special Friends Day - Friday, January 27th (noon dismissal)
* Science Week - February 27-March 8
* Parent Reader - Mrs. George (January 20th) and Mrs. Crupi (January 27th)
* Professional Development Day - February 17th - School Closed
* Current Events - Tuesday: Emma, Caden; Wednesday: Zara, Cian; Thursday: Luke, Lizzie; Friday: Genesis, Maverick

Here is our week at a glance.

Language Arts
* Phonics - Vowel Diphthong oi, oy
* Spelling - choice, voice, join, noise, enjoy, loyal, avoid, annoy, point, destroy, light, inside, great, dark, enough
* Reading: "Ah, Music!" by Aliki (Non fiction)
* Fluency: Good readers read each word correctly. It they make a mistake, they go back and reread so that the sentence makes sense.
* Comprehension: Answer questions
* Grammar: Number words
* Writing: Editing and proofreading a small moment narrative; speaking and thinking bubbles making characters come alive
* Handwriting: Capital and commas; Writing a paragraph; y slide down y

Mathematics - Unit 5 - 2D and 3D Shapes
* Define, name and draw line segments
* Introduce the concepts of parallel and parallel line segments
* Review names and classify polygons

Your child will be bringing home their latest math quiz on Wednesday. Please review with your child (as we did in class), sign and return back to school on Thursday.

Social Studies - Australia
Most Australian mammals are marsupials. Female marsupials have pouches in which they carry their babies. The babies are usually very small and undeveloped when they are born. They crawl into the mother's pouch where they stay until they grow larger and stronger and can take care of themselves.

The students will choose an Australian marsupial to read and write about using the teacher created Symbaloo (you will find this at the top of my blog).

Science - Changes - Gas in a Bag
Students will observe the changes that occur when they put an effervescent tablet into a bag of water; Students will discuss their observations and describe how the tablet and the water change; Students will then observe and discuss the properties of a gas and read about carbon dioxide and how it is added to soft drinks

This week the students will plant their own tomato and/or sweet peppers that we will observe in class. They will also pick the beans from our garden and keep the seeds for growing at a later time. We are getting ready to move into our new science unit entitled Plants.

Have a wonderful week - Marion O'Mullane

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Hello Shorecrest Families:

· Good News Re-Enrollment opens on Monday, February 6, 2012

· Contracts are due by Tuesday, February 21, 2012

· Information will be sent to you by email with your user ID and password

· If you have any questions, please call the Admissions Office at 727-456-7511 or email

Thank you!

Jean M. Spencer-Carnes, M.Ed., Ed.S., Ed.D.
Director of Admissions
Shorecrest Preparatory School
(727) 456-7504

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9-13

A big hello and welcome to our second week in January. This morning the students and I got to hear from Marianne Berkes, a visiting author to Shorecrest. She shared two of her stories, chatted about the writing process, and answered questions. Check out her profile at the following website:

Current Events starts this week with Gabby and John presenting on Tuesday; Lucy and Connor sharing on Wednesday; Quentin and Skyler on Thursday; and, Lucile and Ethan on Friday. I am seeing the students confidence grow each time they present. Thanks you for helping them find new articles to present at this time.

Spring Conferences are around the corner (Thursday, Feb. 9th) and today I sent home the times you had originally signed up for both fall and spring conferences. If this time does not work, please email me and I will schedule to meet with you at another time. I can't wait to share your child's progress with you.

Some other Important Dates to Mark on Your Calendar:

* Monday, January 16th - Martin Luther King Day/School Closed
* Pep Rally: Friday, January 20th tentatively at 12:30 in the Athletic Center.
* Grandparents and Special Friends Day - Friday, January 27th (noon dismissal)
* Science Week - February 27-March 8
* Parent Reader - Jamie McElroy (January 13th); Mrs. George (January 20th) and Mrs. Crupi (January 27th)

Here is our week at a glance. Remember to remind your child to complete their reading log as they read, rather then leaving it to the last minute. Reading logs are due each Monday. Thanks for supporting your child.

www.spellingcity is a great website that your child can independently use to help review spelling words. Unless you want the upgraded version, there will be no cost for your child to use this website.

Language Arts
* Phonics - Short Vowel /e/ea; Syllable Pattern V/CV
* Spelling - pleasant, treasure, instead, breath, weather, breakfast, heavenly, feather, meadow, spread, during, you're, worn, seen, wrong
* Reading "Annie's Gifts" by Angela Shelf Medearis (Realistic Fiction); "Sarah Enters a Painting" by Susan Katz (Poetry)
* Fluency - Fluency represents a level of expertise beyond word recognition accuracy, and reading comprehension may be aided by fluency. Skilled readers read words accurately, rapidly and efficiently - National Reading Panel (2000)
* Focus - Intonation - Good readers try to read every sentences with feeling. Feeling can come from changing the tone (low, medium, or high pitch) or your voice when reading aloud.
* Comprehension - The setting is the time and place in which a story happens. A story happens over any length of time. It can happen in one or more places. As you read, look for details that tell the exact time and place of the story. Think about why the setting is important in a story. Ask yourself how the story would be different if its setting were changed
* Robust Vocabulary - trembled, rhythm, except, squirm
* Grammar - Adjectives for Senses
* Writing - Editing and proofreading. One Small Moment
* Handwriting - Continued from last week. Upper and Lower Case Letters

Mathematics -
Unit 4 - Addition and Subtraction
* Review Unit 4 and assessment given on Wednesday

Unit 5 - 3D and 2 D Shapes
* Exploring rules, sharing, and time
* Points and Line Segments

Social Studies
* Exploring Australia
* Aboriginal Art

Science - Changes
* Separating Mixtures of Color:
Students will brainstorm how colors change when mixed; Students use chromatography to separate black and green inks into their component colors

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome Back and Happy New Year

Happy New Year and welcome back. I hope you all had a wonderful break. As I write this blog, I think about how thankful I am to be working at Shorecrest and trying to make a difference in the lives of your children. I look forward to watching your children grow and develop over the next five months and try to make a difference in their lives.

I also want to thank you all again for your generous gifts and warm wishes leading up to the holiday period. It is such a pleasure working with your children and delight in seeing their enthusiasm for learning.

Here is our week at a glance. Please take note that Current Events sharing will begin next Tuesday, January 10th. A copy of this month's calendar is in your child's Take Home Folder.

Some important dates for this month include the following:

Parent Reader -
Mrs. Leary (January 6th); Jamie McElroy (January 13th); Mrs. George (January 20th) and Mrs. Crupi (January 27th)
Second Grade Social - Saturday. January 7th
Martin Luther King Jr Holiday (no school) - January 16th
Grandparents and Special Friends Day (noon dismissal) - January 27th
Marianne Berkes (visiting author) will be here on Monday, January 9th in the JRT

Thanks to all our parents who help out in the library every Tuesday. We appreciate all that you do.

Here is our week at a glance.

Language Arts
Phonics: Digraphs n/kn; r/wr; f/gh, ph
Spelling Words (10 this week): cough, wrist, handwriting, knight, photograph, knuckle, kneel, elephant, enough, trophy
Reading: Mr. Putter and Tabby Write the Book by Cynthia Rylant (Realistic Fiction)
Fluency: Intonation. Good readers let their voices rise and fall naturally, as they do when they are speaking. For example, they raise their voices at the end of a question and when they read a word in slanted type.
Comprehension: Good readers monitor how well they understand what they read. If they do not understanding something about the story, they can read ahead to gather more information.
Vocabulary: disturb, underneath, procrastinate, diversion
Grammar: Adjectives
Writing: Small Moment and conferring; New Year's Acrostic Poem
Handwriting: Letter i (the dot comes second), e (start, hit the ball, run the bases, stop), letter size and place (with your hand, show letter size and place) a, g, t.

Mathematics - Unit 4
* Addition strategies for adding 2 and 3 digit numbers and using estimation to check if answers are reasonable
* To introduce and practice the partial-sums addition algorithm
* Reviewing tell time
* Review Unit 4 and quiz (Friday or Next Monday)

Social Studies
An introduction to Australia/Oceania (the smallest continent in the world)

Science - Changes
Changing salt water to crystals

I wish you a happy week. Please encourage your child to read every day and fill in their reading log. Reading logs are due every Monday. Thanks for your support.
