Here is our week at a glance. I have posted two previous blogs about Valentine's Day and Grandparents and Special Friends Day, so please check these out.
Important Dates:
* Grandparents and Special Friends Day is on Friday, January 27th (noon dismissal on this day). If your child's special guest is checking your child out, please have them do this from the classroom.
*Aesop's Fables will be performing in the recreation gym on Tuesday, Feb. 7th at 1pm for grades EC-2.
* Our class shares at Town Meeting on Monday, February 13th at 8:10. Come watch our class present.
* Conference Day is on Thursday, February 9th. I will send home a reminder this week confirming the time you signed up for. If this is not a convenient time, please let me know and I would be happy to schedule your child's conference on another day.
* Professional Development Day is on Friday, February 17th. No school on this day for the students.
* Relay for Life Cook Out will be on Wednesday, February 15th. Sage Dining School Lunch will not be available that day. Order forms were sent home last Friday for the Lower Division Cookout
* Current Events: Tuesday - Gabby, John; Wednesday - Lucy, Connor; Thursday - Quentin, Skyler; Friday - Lucile, Ethan
* Parent Reader - 8:10 (Friday) - Mrs. Crupi
Language Arts
* Phonics - r-Controlled vowel ir/ear, eer
* Spelling - eardrum, dear, pioneer, career, engineer, fear, tear, earrings, nearby, year, several, never, getting, earth, group
* Reading - Aboriginal Legends (Tales of the Dreamtime adapted by Vashti Farrer); Factual texts about Australia
* Fluency - Good readers try to read every word correctly, including the words in the title and headings in non-fiction selection. If they make a mistake, they go back and reread so that the heading or sentence makes sense.
* Comprehension - Good readers learn how to answer questions about what they are reading. Answers to some questions are found looking back in the selection. Other questions may require them to think about the information in the selection and then use their own knowledge to come up with an answer.
* Robust Vocabulary - dazzled, plunged; quarrel; announce
* Grammar - Words that compare
* Handwriting Without Tears - Letter y and j - bump the line
* Writing - Good writers proofread and edit their draft to improve the quality of their writing
Mathematics - Unit 5
* Investigating polygons and quadrangles using geoboards
* Identify the names and characteristics of various quadrangles, and explore the similarities and differences among quadrangles
* Compare and contrast characteristics of 3 D shapes
Social Studies - Australia
Celebrate Australia Day on the 26th by baking Anzac cookies, exploring Aboriginal art, and Australian slang and games.
Science - Changes
Cream to butter.
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