What a fun time we had during Reading Week. I really enjoyed watching the students coaching the kindergarten and first grade students during our reading buddy time, as well as, watching them getting excited about all the books they purchased at the Oldie Goldie book sale.
Now the fun continues with the next two weeks with the spotlight on science. We will begin each morning reading about a scientist that has made a difference in the world. This morning we read about Rachel Carson (scientist and writer), who had learned that chemicals were affecting nature. She explained how everything in nature is connected and how upsetting this balance can hurt the earth. On Friday the students will be engaged in various activities around the "gardening" theme with Eat A Plant, making Terrariums and a presentation on Composting/Organize Farming.
Wednesday is Class Photo Day and will take place on the morning in the Crisp Gym. Children are to wear their uniforms for the picture. If you have not placed an order, you can still do this. Order forms are online, if you need another.
No Current Events this week, seeing we are spotlighting a different scientist each day. Be on the lookout for the new Current Events calendar that I will be putting in your child's Take Home Folder this week.
Here is what else is going on in the classroom this week.
Language Arts
Phonics - r-controlled vowel ar/air, are; contractions
Spelling - beware, mare, share, scare, rare, chair, flair, repair, haircut, airplane, guess, curve, already, learn, hundred
Reading - Biography
Fluency - Good readers vary their reading rate when they need to. They slow down to pronounce unfamiliar words and speed up when they recognize words. Good readers work to increase their reading speed and still understand what they are reading.
Comprehension - Nonfiction often uses graphic aids to help explain information quickly. Some examples of graphic aids are diagrams, charts, maps, and graphs
Robust Vocabulary - hypothesis, method, vast, determined
Grammar - Forms of be
Writing - Biography presentation. Answering five essential questions (Where/when was your person born? What has this person done that has affected others? Who or what influence them? What kind of education did they receive? What are some of their major accomplishments?)
Handwriting - Turn h into b
Mathematics - Unit 6
* Mixed Addition and Subtractions Stories
* Review Partial Sums Addition Method
* Review solution strategies for subtraction of 2-digit numbers
* Exploring Arrays
Social Studies - Asia
The students will visit Japan - an Asian nation where ancient traditions and modern life meet.
The students will read about Nao Kiski (8), who lives with her parents, brother and grandmother in Maebashi - a city 70 miles from Tokyo. Students will finish their seven pieces of cleverness picture and do some origami
Science - Spotlight on Science Week
As mentioned, we are spotlighting science over the next two weeks. In addition to the various activities planned, the students will continue observing the growth of their plant. We will talk about why bees are important. Students will also use a hand lens to observe a dried bee and make bee sticks to be used as a tool for pollination. They will observe details of the flowers anatomy and identify the major parts.
I wish you a wonderful week.
Ms. O'Mullane
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