Monday, December 3, 2012

December 3-7

I hope you enjoyed your weekend as I did decorating my house and yard to celebrate the festive season.

The students had their first compliment party last Friday and are trying hard to fill up the Q Jar (Quality work, Quality attitude and Quality behavior) again. What progress I have seen since the beginning of the school year and I am so lucky to have such a wonderful group of second graders in my care this year. Thanks again for all your support in the education of your amazing children.

We are currently collecting gifts for the Holiday Gift Drive. Please wrap and label each gift with the Family number and Child's name. A post it or peel away label on the gift with gift content is helpful. On Friday, December 14, the students will carry the gifts to the gym to be sorted by family. Thanks for your generosity for this family in need.

The Lower Division Holiday Sing Along will take place on Thursday, December 20 at 11:00 for grades K-4 in the Janet Root Theatre.

Our Second Grade International Festival will be held on Wednesday, December 19 after lunch. If you would like to help out with planning or assisting on the day, please contact G. White or K. Leary who are coordinating this event.

Current Event sharing continues this week. The new Current Event calendar is in your child's Take Home Folder. Our presenters this week will be: on Tuesday: Claire and Matthew; Wednesday: Noah and Stella DeFrain; Thursday: Nico and Rose; and Friday: Nick and Stella Davis

Our Parent Reader this week will be M. Emerson. Thanks again for making our Friday morning a special one.

Here is a glance at what is going on in the classroom this week.

* Phonics: long e, ey and y
* Spelling words: speedy, keyhole, valley, twenty, donkey, chimney, money, breezy, nobody, hungry
* Story of the Week: Wombat Divine by Mem Fox
* Vocabulary: divine, audition, beamed, stroked
* Grammar: Abbreviations
* Reading workshop: Readers read fluently by reading with talking voices; Readers make their reading sound smooth by going back and rereading; Readers read with phrasing and intonation by noticing and using punctuation
* Writing Workshop: Using the dictionary as a tool for writing; Story endings
* Handwriting: Capitals, Commas, and Paragraphs

Mathematics - Unit 4
We started our new math unit today and so please have a look at the new Family Letter that I placed in your child's Take Home Folder. We also will review the Unit 3 quiz, which I have sent home for you to look at and do some further review with your child. Please return this school when you have view and signed it.
This week the students will:
* solve change-to-more number and parts-and-total number stories
* explore reading temperatures on a thermometer, finding the total value of a group of coins, and develop readiness for classifying geometric shapes
* read and show temperatures and solve number stories about temperature change

Social Studies
* Complete a scavenger hunt A to Z about Europe
* The students will begin investigating holiday traditions around the world. If you have a holiday tradition you would like to share with the students, please email me and we will set up a time for you to come to the classroom and share this tradition

Science - Changes 
A Dissolving Race: Warm and Cold Water
* The students will explore the relationship between the temperature of liquid and how fast a solid dissolves
Separating Mixtures of Color
* The students will brainstorm how colors change when mixed
* The students will use chromatography to separate black and green inks into their component colors

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