I hope you enjoyed your extra long weekend. It sounds like the students did some wonderful things, from skiing, to visiting the State Fair. I spent mine relaxing with my family. It has been such a busy month and I needed the rest.
I was so proud of the students sharing at Town Meeting this morning about what they would do if they were the President of the United States (to coincide with President's Day). If you did not get a chance to hear them share, I am planning on creating a Voice Thread in the upcoming weeks to post on my blog for you to view.
Current Events sharing continues this week with Jackie and Auggie on Tuesday; Ainsley and Aidan on Wednesday; Victoria and WIll on Thursday; and, Isabella on Friday.
Our Parent Reader this Friday will be J. Emerson.
The students have been working hard on researching facts about an Australian topic. If you can, please join us on Friday afternoon at 2:15pm for our museum exhibit. As you walk from one student to the next, please ask them to share a few things they learned about the animal, landmark, object, or culture they have presented in visual form. Please also keep in mind that the work you will view is all student generated and created after some research.
Class pictures will be taken on Tuesday, Feb. 26th. We ask that all students wear regular uniform items that day (no team shirts or spirit wear). Please access order forms by clicking on the link below (or you can go to the Shorecrest.org<Community>Parents Page) http://www.shorecrest.org/?page=ParentsPage
The Relay for Life Cookout will be on Thursday, Feb. 28. Please plan to have lunch with your child on this day if you can. All proceeds will be donated to Relay for Life. Forms to sign up for lunch were send home last week, let us know if you need a new one. Sage will not be serving lunch on this day.
Field Day will take place on Thursday March 7.
Spring Break is March 11-15.
Reading Week is the week of March 18-22. The Oldie Goldie Book Sale is on Friday, March 22. The entire week will be dedicated to Mrs. Weinman, We will also have a dedication ceremony on March 25 at 8:05 around the new playground.
The spelling pattern this week is eer. ear and our story of the week is George and Martha, The Clock by J. Marshall. Much of our writing and reading this week will be related to our Australian project and preparing to share the information gathered.
In Math, we will being our new unit. Please view and sign your child's latest Math Assessment that I am sending home today. Our new unit in Math is related to Whole-Number Operations and Number Stories and this week we will be reviewing strategies for solving addition problems, with emphasis on problems having three addends. We will also continue revisiting the partial-sums addition method.
We will be conclude our science unit by opening up the seed pods and planting the seeds that we harvested last week. Your child brought their plant home last Thursday and I encourage them to continue watering these at home and making observations.
If you have any questions about what is going on in the classroom, or specific about your child, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Have a wonderful week.
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