After working in the garden, our fourth grade friends came to read some non-fiction texts in Spanish to us. They followed up with some activities including drawing and labeling pictures in Spanish from the text they had shared.
What a fantastic start to another week in second grade!
This week, as a part of our biography unit in Reading Workshop, the students will be reading a biography about someone who made a difference in the world and gathering facts about this person and organizing this information within a graphic aid.
In math, the students will continue exploring situations that require equal sharing or making equal groups of things. We will then review the big concepts covered in Unit 6 before the students sit for the Unit 6 Math Assessment.
In science, our caterpillars will arrive and the students will prepare the food cups vital to the survival of the caterpillars and learn how to care for them. The students will then meet the caterpillars and record their first observations.
Will's mom will also come in to our class to share her knowledge and expertise about dolphins. We can't wait!
In social studies, the students will continue learning about Asia and create a fact file about the world's largest continent.
Other Reminders:
* Current Events sharing continues this week with Claire and Matthew sharing on Tuesday; Noah and Stella DeFrain sharing on Wednesday; Nico and Rose sharing on Thursday; and Nick and Stella Davis sharing on Friday.
* Relay for Life is next Friday, April 5th.
* Celebrate the Arts is the week of April 15-19. On April 19, we invite you to the children's Celebrate the Arts performance at 11:00am. This share will be followed by a picnic lunch with your child (LUNCH ORDER FORMS ARE COMING HOME TODAY).
* On Sunday, April 28, Shorecrest is asking for volunteers from the community to help pack food bags in the new Athletics Center. The event is called Feeding Children Everywhere. It starts at 9am and ends at 2pm.
* A Used Clothing Drive is taking place by one of our former students. Please read note below:
"My name is Jessica J. and I am in seventh grade. My father goes to Jamaica every year to do charity heart surgery on children with congenital heart disease with the mission group Cardiac Kids Foundation. I am doing a clothing drive to collect clothing from the students in Lower Division for the less fortunate children in Jamaica. I am asking the children (with their parents' help) to go through their closets and look for any gently used or new items that don't fit them, such as clothing, shoes, socks, hats, and accessories. Think of it as spring-cleaning with an act of kindness attached to it! Students can put the clothing items in a bin by the LD office labeled "Jamaica Cardiac Mission".
Since my father leaves on April 1, the clothing drive will be completed by Friday, March 29, so he can bring the clothes with him on the surgery mission.
Thank you!
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