The students and I had a fantastic time last week Celebrating the Arts. From hoola monsters, to participating in a drum circle, we all had a terrific time.
Hoola Monsters
Creating a mural
The fun does not stop with our Lunch time Science Activity tomorrow. The students will be involved in an activity entitled, Eat a Plant, as well as create their very own terrariums.
Last Friday, we released out Painted Lady Butterflies in the garden. It was difficult for some of the students to say goodbye, but realized that they were better off in their natural environment where they have room to fly, can find a variety of foods and can mate and then lay eggs to produce the next generation.
We now have two monarch butterflies that have emerged from their chrysalis that we are comparing to the Painted Lady Butterfly. The students will also review this unit by revisiting all the work they have produced. After reviewing the materials, students will use their own data to answer their questions about the life cycle of the butterfly.
Our parent reader this week will be M. Davis and the students will continue presenting Current Events, so please have your child check their calendar for April (that is in their take home folder).
In math, we will continue reviewing doubles and halves, measure length to the nearest centimeter and inch, sort numerical data and arrange data in ascending or descending order, and find the middle value (median) for a set of numerical data.
Our story of the week in language arts is a folk tale from Africa, Why Do Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears by Verna Aardema as we begin to look at folk tales. The students are continuing to work on their electronic portfolios, including writing and recording their own reflections.
We will begin our journey to Africa by locating it on the world map and recording interesting facts found online and in various non-fiction texts on a graphic aid.
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