Monday, April 29, 2013

April 29-May 2

Welcome to second grade and another jammed packed week of learning and discovery.

If you have not already let me know that you will be joining us next week on our field trip to MOSI, please do so. The group rate is $8. We are planning on arriving at MOSI by 9:30 and the students will be exploring the museum before doing a hands-on lesson called, Ooey Gooey, where they will take ordinary things and make slime that will ooze through their fingers. Lunch will be 12:00 and we will be back at school in time for dismissal. It will be a fabulous day out.

Splash Day will take place on Friday, May 17th. The PE teachers will be sending home more details as the time approaches.

On Monday, May 20th, the students will be sharing their electronic portfolios after Town Meeting. The meeting place will be the computer lab. Come sit with your child as they share some of the work they have done this year in second grade.

Parent Reader this Friday will be Matt Emerson.

This week will be open sharing and no Current Events scheduled. Please check the new sharing calendar in your child's Take Home Folder for the day they will be scheduled to share in May.

In language arts this week we will be reading Bill and Pete Go Down the Nile by Tomie de Paola. We will continue examining the structure of Folk Tales and doing more Readers Theater using Folk Tales from Africa. The students will continue writing reflections and working on their electronic portfolios to share with you soon. Spelling words this week are homonyms. Today I read a book called, Homonyms (Hair and Hare and other Words that Sound the Same but Look as Different as Bear and Bare) by Joan Hanson. The students will work on creating their own books about Homonyms.

In math, we will finish off Unit 7. The students will make a frequency table, line plot, and bar graph for a set of data and find the median of a set of data. We will review the big concepts/skills taught in this unit and the students will do their Unit 7 Assessment on Friday. Please review doubling and halving at home with your child.

In social studies, the students will do an A to Z scavenger hunt on Africa using various resources including the internet and non-fiction texts.

In science, the students have become very familiar with the life cycle of one special animal. Now, they will apply the life cycle concepts to other plants and animals within their experience. Students will apply a concept they have learned in this unit to new situations; expand their knowledge of the life cycles of other plants and animals and realize that cycles are regenerative: life begets life.

                                The class mural the students created during Celebrate the Arts week.

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