Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall Festival and Book Club Orders

Just a reminder if you plan on ordering books from Scholastic Bookclub, please send in your order by October 30. Mrs. Happle will be helping me submit the order. Thanks, Mrs. Happle.

Fall Festival is on Friday and the parade of costumes begins at 8:30am. Fourth Grade will be leading the procession and head to the gym and back. The students will then return to the classroom and change into their play clothes for the Fall Festival. Please pack an extra bag for your child's costume. The students will remain in class until 10:00am until the Fall Festival starts. Please collect your child from the classroom at 10:00am and sign them out when you are about to leave school. Dismissal is at 12:30pm on Friday. I plan to leave a sign-out sheet on
my classroom door, just incase you can't find me amongst all the students, parents and teachers on the school grounds. See you on Friday. It will be lots of fun!

Homework 10/28

1. Social Studies - South American animals and people. Research.
2. Practice poem "Bad Baxter Barton"
3. Reading

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Homework - 10/27

1. Math Home Link (3.3) - Times of the Day; Home Link (3.4) - What's My Rule? with Blocks
2. Practice poem, Bad Baxter Barton
3. Reading
4. Spirit Day tomorrow. Wear your green and gold.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Homework- 09/26

1. Spelling worksheet (front and back)
2. Read over poem for Poetry in the Park
3. Reading

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week of October 26th

Here is a taste of what we will be doing this week in class. Remember it is Spirit Day on Wednesday (wear your green and gold) and Fall Festival on Friday (can't wait to see what you are wearing). We are in for a treat!

Library Helper: Mrs. Leonhirth
Parent Reader - Mrs. Jacobs
Current Events - Tuesday - Emery, Keaton; Wednesday - Ellie, Asher; Thursday - Renata, Chase, Samuel; Friday - Lindsey

Language Arts
Phonics - long vowel /o/oa, ow
Spelling - boat, snow, coat, grow, float, own, low, load, soak, bowl
Bonus Words - yellow, snowflake, sailboat, carload, window
High-Frequency Words - believe, brought, early, enough, impossible, quite, understand
Reading - Click, Clack, Moo: Cows that Type by Doreen Cronin; Rock a Bye Cows by Sam Curtis
Fluency - Expression
Comprehension - Plot; Use Story Structure
Robust Vocabulary - brisk, strutted, gobbled, paced, request, negotiate, compromise, improve
Grammar - More Proper Nouns
Writing - Poetry and Personal Narrative

* Exploring numbers, time and geoboards
* Gathering data and entering data in a table, and drawing a bar graph
* Frames and Arrows having two rules
* Making Change by Counting Up

Social Studies
* South America
* Mapping

* Watering Earth's Plants


CONGRATULATIONS, on a fabulous performance on Friday. You all rocked the house. Your hard work paid off. I am so proud of you.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Show Time

Wow! The students were fabulous today at our dress rehearsal and you are in for a treat tomorrow.

Thanks to all my students for your enthusiasm and effort. I am so proud of you and I can already see how much you have grown and developed since the beginning of second grade (and it is only October).

Next, Poetry in the Park. More information will come your way next week.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Homework - 10/19

1. Practice show poems and "I Am A Small Part of the World"
2. Bring in your bandana (if you haven't already done so)
3. Comprehension worksheet (Two Famous Scientists)
4. Reading

A Busy Week Ahead

What a busy week we have this week rehearsing for our Friday show. In class we will be reviewing spelling, vocabulary and high frequency words, which I have copied on the back of this week's homework log. We will continue learning about South America in Social Studies, Plants in Science, and working with Place Value, Money and Time in Math.

The children are excited about the show and we look forward to seeing you there on Friday, October 23rd at 8:30am. The students will wear their uniform bottom (shorts or skort), flag t-shirt (they made at school) and bandana. Please send in the bandana, if you have not already done so.

Have a great week.

Picture Retake

Picture Retake Day for the EC through 4th Grade will be in the morning on Tuesday, October 20 in the Student Center. Please surrender your old Picture Packet when retaking your picture. Anyone who was absent on the regular Picture Day must have his or her photo taken on this day. Picture order forms are available in the Lower Division office.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Homework - 10/12

1. Christopher Columbus activity sheet
2. Practice poems for our show
3. Read over the student-friendly explanations for vocabulary and practice this week's spelling words
4. Reading

Our Week at a Glance

Here is a taste of what we will be doing this week at school. On Monday, the students will see a performance presented by The ArtsPower called Jigsaw Jones and on Tuesday it is Picture Lady and Gentleman Day.

Language Arts
Phonics - r-controlled vowel /ar/, syllable pattern C-/e
Spelling - car, art, barn, farm, start, card, yarn, part, dark, hard
Bonus Spelling - barnyard, starlight, carpet, artist, market
High Frequency Words - accept, ago, clear, fair, half, though
Reading - The Great Ball Game retold by Joseph Bruchac; The Bat by Douglas Florian
Fluency - Expression
Comprehension - Plot; Use Story Structure
Robust Vocabulary - clutched, clambered, clumsy, ached, feud, superior, refuse, insult (v)
Grammar - Proper Nouns
Writing - Personal Narrative; Tall Tales

Mathematics - Unit 3 - Place Value, Money and Time
* Numeration and place value
* Using coins to buy things

Social Studies
* Christopher Columbus
* South America

* Plants

Library Helper: Mr. Ryan
Parent Reader: Mrs. Crawford (Thursday)
Current Events: Monday - Joshua, Lindsey; Tuesday - Emery Keaton; Wednesday - Ellie, Asher; Thursday - Renata, Chase and Samuel

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thanks so Much

I wanted to thank all of those parents who helped the students paint their t-shirts for our show, including Mrs. Happle, Mrs. O'Neill, Mrs. Pfeffly and Mrs. Jacobs. A special thanks to Mrs. Quilty who coordinated it all. The t-shirts look fantastic. Students and parents did a wonderful job.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Antarctica is fifth in size.
It's a desert of ice where glaciers rise.

You'll find penguins and seals, whales and birds,
But a polar bear would be absurd!

Explorers and scientists must be bold
To visit that sub-zero cold.

No countries or cities or towns are here,
No roads, no cars, no TV's near.

It's a land that is covered with ice and snow,
A land where few would ever go.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Our Week at a Glance

Language Ars
Phonics - long vowel /a/ai,ay and compound words
Spelling - pay, mail, paint, day, rain, stay, sail, way, train, tray
High Frequency Words - coming, curve, idea, knee, laughed, million, world
Bonus Spelling - mailbox, highway, daytime, raindrop, crayon
Reading - Gus and Grandpa and the Two-Wheeled Bike by Claudia Mills; No Helmet? Pay Up! from Time for Kids
Fluency - Intonation
Comprehension - Make predictions; Use prior knowledge
Robust Vocabulary - rickety, rattling, prying, impatiently, romp, defeated, jubilant, master (v)
Grammar - Singular and Plural Nouns
Writing - Personal Narrative

Mathematics (Unit 2)
* Exploring weights, scales, equal groups
* What's My Rule? routine
* Counting strategies for subtraction
* Subtraction for "Harder" subtraction facts
* Review and quiz

Social Studies
* South America

* Weather

We will also be spending a lot of time preparing for our Second Grade show.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Second Grade Show News

We are all excited about the up coming Second Grade Program. The children are so excited and have been working very hard to get ready. As a reminder, the program will be Friday, October 23rd, in the Janet Root Theatre at 8:30am.

This week, each child will be responsible for drawing the flag of the country he/she has been assigned to research. This is to be done at home on a sheet of 8 1/2" by 11" bond paper. Markers only should be used to color the flag. A picture of the country's flag and instructions will be sent home on Monday (Oct. 5). Please see that the completed flag and a wire hanger (to hang the t-shirt on) are returned to class by Wednesday, October 7.

Your child will also need one regular-sized bandana for our program. It should be the traditional western pattern in any color. In addition, if you haven't already sent in your child's white t-shirt at the beginning of the school year, please do so. In addition to this we will need the following items for the stage set:

* Brown paper grocery bags - for the rain forest vines.
* Gallon milk/water bottles (no yellow) for ice sculpture.
* Stuffed animals - tagged with student name (the animals aren't needed until 10/21.). Think animals that relate to the South American rainforest and Antarctica.

We greatly appreciate all the help we already have received with decorations, props, and planning! What a special event this will be.

Thank you,

The Second Grade Team