Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Thanks for working in partnership with me this year in educating your children. It has been a wonderful year and I wish you and your children the very best in the new school year. A big thank you to Kristin L. and Gina W. for being our Parent Representatives and all those parents who volunteered in the library, to read to the students, and help with classroom projects. Thanks for supporting your child at home with their homework and home reading. You made the time to work with your children and this did make a difference.

I will be doing lots of traveling in Australia over the summer. Please send me an email or join me on Facebook to keep in touch. Your children have become part of my Shorecrest family and I want to know how they are doing. If you need anything in the new school year, please don't hesitate to contact me.

We wish our second grade friends, Stella D., Auggie F. and Nico B. all the best at their new schools. We will miss you, but know you will enjoy this new experience. Please keep in touch with us.

You have received a Summer Packet for ways to support your child's learning over the long summer vacation. Most importantly, encourage your child to read each day and continue writing in their journal or on postcards to friends.

I leave your children with this poem:

"You're a very special person,
And I wanted you to know,
How much I enjoyed being your teacher,
How fast the year did go!

Please come back to visit me
as through the grades you grow
Try hard to learn all that you can
There is so much to know!

The one thing I tried to teach you
To last your whole life through
Is to know that you are SPECIAL
There's no one else like you!"

Ms. O'Mullane

Monday, May 20, 2013

Welcome to the Last Full Week of Second Grade

Wow! Thanks for coming out this morning to view your child's Electronic Portfolio. It was a terrific way of celebrating many great accomplishments that have happened this year for your child in second grade. It was such a pleasure watching the students proudly show samples of work from all areas of the curriculum and school life.

If you were unable to attend, please be in contact with me if you would like to schedule a time to view your child's portfolio here at school.

This week marks the last full week of second grade for the students. I thank you for your partnership in educating your children - and what a fantastic class this has been to teach. They have grown in so many ways - academically, socially, emotionally, as well as physically. I am so proud of them.

This week we are finishing off the last social studies and math units, as well as preparing ourselves for summer reading,  reviewing math, writing reflections, and sharing facts about what we learned about South America. We are also doing some fun Readers' Theater and writing letters to the new second graders coming up. The students will also be making a special end of year project that they will be able to take home and cherish in years to come.

May 30 we will have a special ice-cream treat at 1pm to mark the end of another great year. On Friday, May 31, it is noon dismissal and a morning of fun and laughter.

I want to thank Kristin L. and Gina W. for the great job they have done being our Room Parents this year. You made my job easier and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thanks also goes out to the many parents who have helped out this year.

Next Tuesday, I will be sending home a Summer Packet, full of some ideas for review over the summer. Please practice the math facts (for all operations), the partial-sums addition and trade-first subtraction methods in math, and give your children plenty opportunities to read and write.

Warmest wishes - Ms. O'Mullane

Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13-17

We had a fabulous time last Wednesday on our field trip to MOSI. The students were exhausted by the end of the day. Thanks to all those parents who gave up their day to help chaperone.

Splash Day will take place this Friday, May 17th. The PE teachers sent out a letter about this last Friday. I know the students are looking forward to it.

Next Monday, May 20th, the students will be sharing their electronic portfolios after Town Meeting. The meeting place will be the computer lab. Come sit with your child as they share some of the work they have done this year in second grade.

Parent Reader this Friday will be Molly D.

This week we will continue with Current Event sharing. Please check your child's sharing calendar in their homework folder.

All library books are due now and there will be no more checking out for the current school year.

Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6-10, 2013

Welcome to another week in second grade. What gorgeous spring weather we are having.

If you have not already let me know that you will be joining us on Wednesday for our field trip to MOSI, please do so. The group rate is $8. We are planning on arriving at MOSI by 9:30 and the students will be exploring the museum before doing a hands-on lesson called, Ooey Gooey, where they will take ordinary things and make slime that will ooze through their fingers. Lunch will be 12:00 and we will be back at school in time for dismissal. It will be a fabulous day out. Please make sure you pack your child their snack and lunch in a disposable bag, unless they ordered from SAGE in advanced.

Splash Day will take place on Friday, May 17th. The PE teachers will be sending home more details as the time approaches.

On Monday, May 20th, the students will be sharing their electronic portfolios after Town Meeting. The meeting place will be the computer lab. Come sit with your child as they share some of the work they have done this year in second grade.

This is the last month for Current Event sharing and what an amazing job the students have done this year. I have seen the students grow in confidence getting up and presenting, as well as their ability to formulate questions about what is being shared. This week Auggie and Jackie will share on Tuesday; Ainsley and Aidan on Wednesday; Victoria and Will on Thursday and Isabella on Friday. Thanks for the support you have given your child this year to help them prepare for their sharing day.

All library books are due back soon with our last checkout on May 7. Last week of library classes is the week May 6-10.

Blake E. will be Principal for the Day on May 10 and he would like to give permission for students to wear their favorite shirts. So Friday is Spirit Day and Wear Your Favorite Shirt To School Day.

Mrs. Samuel Day will take place on Tuesday, May 14. There will be a presentation in the Janet Root Theater in Mrs. Samuel's honor. If your child had Mrs. Samuel as a teacher, he/she will attend.

In language arts this week we will continue reading Folk Tales and do some more Readers' Theater. The students will also do some prompt writing, as well as finish off their reflection about second grade. Spelling words this week are more homonyms and vocabulary words relate to our Africa study.

In math, your child will be bringing home their latest test from Unit 7 and the new Family Letter about Unit 8: Fractions. Please view, sign and return the math quiz that I will file with your child's other math tests. We will be reviewing equal parts of one, exploring fractions, multiplication and division and use fractions to name parts of collections.

In social studies, the students will continue exploring Africa and South America. Today in technology your child used the online encyclopedia to read about South America and record on a web interesting facts about it. Some students even got a chance to explore a topic of their choice including the Amazon Rainforest.

In science, the students have become very familiar with the life cycle of one special animal. Now, they will apply the life cycle concepts to other plants and animals within their experience. Students will apply a concept they have learned in this unit to new situations; expand their knowledge of the life cycles of other plants and animals and realize that cycles are regenerative: life begets life.