Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Earth Day Poems

Last Thursday, April 22, was Earth Day and the students were engaged in various activities to help promote an understanding about how important it is to look after this beautiful planet and what they could do to make a difference (e.g. recycle, reuse, reduce). They did an awesome job bringing eco-friendly snack and lunches and agreed that Earth Day should be everyday. I was also impressed by a group of students who gave up their recess to pick up trash (student initiated of course). At one point of the day the students got a chance to write their own Earth Day poems/songs. I have published some of these below. As you can see, I have a class of very talented poets.


E verything we need,
A very important thing,
R eally what we need to help,
T he home of many creatures,
H elp it!


We need to help our planet.
We need to help it NOW!
We need to help our planet though
But some people don't know how.
So, will you please help me look after it?


Endangered Animals,
killed, try to survive,
few roaming, scarce,
Siberian tiger, manatee, panda, whooping crane,
gone dead, never, seen,
aren't coming back, gone forever,
Extinct Animals

MOTHER EARTH by John and Samuel

Earth is a planet
Small, but strong
Big and green
Helping us all.
She has helped us through
all these years.
Now we should help her
as she helped us.


WORKING ON THE RAILROAD (to the tune of We've been Working on the Railroad)
by Chloe and Emerson

We've been working on the Ear---th
Every, single day.
We've tried to o-bey
Every single time of the day.
By turning off the wa--ter
and turning off the ligh--ts.
We are going to do this
to help our Earth every day.
We will see the Earth the next day
because every day is Ear--th Da--y!

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