Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week of August 30th

The year has kicked off to a great start. It amazes me how settled the students already are and into such a great routine. Thanks for coming along to Tuesday's Back to School Night, and hope you found the evening informative and helpful.

This week the students will get their first spelling list to learn to read and spell, along with a list of Robust Vocabulary Words, that they will need to know how to define and use in context. I have included a list in my weekly blog, so you can help them practice at home. On Friday, they will be tested on both lists.

Thanks for sending in the paper towel rolls, which the students have used as Time Capsules, which they sealed and wrapped on Friday and will not open now until the end of the school year. I already know that the year will be one of great learning and growth.

Here is our week at a glance. I wish you a safe and happy week.

Marion O'Mullane

*Phonics - short a and i
*Spelling List 1 - picnic, plastic, rabbit, fabric, napkin, Spanish, giggle, candid, zigzag, habitat, sea, wrote, again, carry, wait
*Robust Vocabulary - ignore, dangerous, style, passion, challenge, underestimate, proficient, heed
*Fluency - Accuracy
*Comprehension - Characters; Using Graphic Organizers
*Grammar - Sentences
*Writing Workshop - Launching the Writing Workshop (routines and procedures; choosing a topic; think, draw, write)

*To provide practice with addition facts; and to establish partnership principles
*Grouping by tens, $1, $10, $100
*To introduce My Reference Book; and to introduce the Math Boxes routine
*To establish rules for working in small groups; and to review number patterns and sequences

*Understanding directions (North, South, East, West)
*Intermediate directions (NE, NW, SE SW)
*The world on a globe

*Scientific Method
*Come Fly with Me Lab (putting scientific method into practice); How does the weight of paper affect how far a paper airplane will fly? Students will formulate a hypothesis; collect data and draw conclusions

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