Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week 6 - September 26-30 - (šalom) שלום

Hello (šalom) שלום ). What a rainy weekend. Good for our gardens and cozy being indoors.

Can you believe that we are in the last week of September and into our sixth week of second grade already? Last week the students had fun planting plants in our second grade garden including lettuce, cabbage, beans, strawberries, tomatoes and broccoli plants. Now we will tend the garden and see what happens. We predict that we will have a delicious healthy crop ready to harvest in the next couple of months. Thanks to Skyler and Maverick's moms for helping us.

Next Thursday (October 6th) is Parent/Teacher Conference Day and no school for the students. Today you will be receiving a confirmation of your sign-up time. If you need to reschedule, please let me know as soon as possible.

Last week the students did their first math assessment, which we went over today in class. I will be sending this assessment for you to review with your child. I ask that you sign it and send it back to school. Please continue practicing with your child how to read the analog clock in 15 minute intervals (e.g. 12:00; 12:15; 12:30; 12:45), which we are also practicing here in class.

Research shows that the most prominent indicators of a successful reader is the amount of time spent actually reading. Therefore it is important that we keep an eye on the actual amount of reading that a child is doing. In Reading Workshop, your child keeps a Reading Log that I can refer to for evidence of growth across time and also as a tool for deeper reflection, and for teaching. Your child will also be bringing home a Home Reading Log, to support the reading they are doing at home and monitor what they are reading. I ask that you help your child complete this as part of their home reading routine and sign next to the day your child has read. Home Reading Logs will be due every Monday. Thanks for supporting good reading habits!

Other Reminders
* Parent Reader - Molly Camp (Friday @8:10)
* Current Events - Tuesday: Gabby, John; Wednesday: Lucy, Connor; Thursday: Quentin, Skyler; Friday: Lucile, Ethan
* Spirit Day - Every Friday
* Professional Development Day - Friday, October 14th (No School)
* Picture Re-Take - Tuesday, October 18th
* Halloween Parade/Fall Festival - Friday, October 28th

Here is a glance at the main concepts covered in class this week.

Language Arts
* Phonics: long vowel i/ie, igh
* Spelling: lightning, high, weeknight, lie, flight, nightstand, sight-see, frightened, sunlight, mighty, knew, winter, begin, same, gone
* Reading: James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl; Winners Never Quit! by Mia Hamm; Climb Your Mountain by Helen Thayer
* Vocabulary: techniques, specially, struggle, traction
* Reading Workshop: Fluency - Good readers raise and lower their voices as they read, to add emphasis and expression; Comprehension - Good readers combine what they already know with information from the story to help them understand what they read and to make predictions about what will happen.
* Grammar: Nouns are naming words. Naming words name people, places, things, and animals.
* Writing Workshop: Understanding a small moment. When an author writes a Small Moment story, the author stretches out the sequence of actions across several pages to make the moment feel important and interesting.

Mathematics - Unit 2
* Review +0 and +1 addition facts and to provide practice with addition facts in which one of the addends is 0, 1, 2, or 3
* Review and practice double facts
* Turn around shortcut for addition and provide practice for a shortcut for addition facts that have 9 as an addend
* Explore and practice doubles plus 1 plus 2 facts

Social Studies
* Landmarks of North America
* Each child will research a landmark (man-made or natural) and create their own postcard (2 week project)

Science - Changes - Lesson 4 - Mixing and Separating Solids
Students will use two solids - kosher salt and gravel - to create and investigate a mixture

Have a wonderful week -

Marion O'Mullane

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