Monday, February 6, 2012

Welcome to another week. I am looking forward to meeting with you this Thursday.

Important Dates:

*Aesop's Fables will be performing in the recreation gym on Tuesday, Feb. 7th at 1pm for grades EC-2.
* Our class shares at Town Meeting on Monday, February 13th at 8:10. Come watch our class present.
* Conference Day is on Thursday, February 9th.
* Professional Development Day is on Friday, February 17th. No school on this day for the students.
* Relay for Life Cook Out will be on Wednesday, February 15th. Sage Dining School Lunch will not be available that day. Order forms were sent home last Friday for the Lower Division Cookout.
* Current Events: Begins next week on Feb. 14th.
* Parent Reader - Mr. Piper
* Class Picture Day: Class picture day will take place on the morning of Wednesday, February 29th in the Crisp Gym.
* Box-Tops - Keep sending in Box-Tops, which is money for our school.
* Hats and Sunscreen - Please make sure your child comes to school with a hat and sunscreen. The students learning how important it is to be sun safe and sun smart!
Science Week - February 27th - March 8th.
Oldie Goldie Book Fair - Friday, February 24th - Begin gathering books to donate now! There is a box out the front of the classroom, that donated books can be left.
Field Day - Friday, March 9th.
Ident-a-Kid - Wednesday, March 21st.

We will be exchanging Valentine's next Tuesday afternoon, following a snack. I have sent home a class list today, so your child can include his/her classmates in the exchange. The exchange is optional.

Come watch us share our Australian book and song at next week's Town Meeting. The students made this book for their reading buddies in Alpha and Kinder, which they read and presented to Mrs. Samuel's class today and will present and share with Miss Conroy's class tomorrow.

Here is what else is happening in the classroom this week.

Language Arts
* Phonics - Vowel diphthong ou, ow
* Spelling - cowboy, surround, ground, powerful, sound, crowd, ouch, allow, cloudless, ounce, without, were where, now, know
* Reading - The Life of George Washington Carver By Joili K. Stevens (Biography)
* Build fluency - Good readers try to read every word correctly, including the words in the title and heading in a nonfiction selection. If they make a mistake, they go back and reread so that the heading or sentence makes sense.
* Students will distinguish how a biography is different from other varieties of nonfiction. It tells the story of a real person's life with events told in time order.
* Comprehension Strategies - Good readers answer questions by looking back at information in the selection. Some answers may be "right there" in the text, while other answers come from what readers already know.
* Vocabulary - crops, discovered, experiments, biography
* Grammar - Present Tense Acton Verbs
* Writing - Publishing
* Handwriting Without Tears - p, r, n

Mathematics - Unit 5 Review
* Symmetrical Shapes
* Review and quiz Unit 5

Social Studies - Asia
* Introduction to Asia (location)

Science - Growth of a Plant
* Part of a seed and what a seed needs for growth

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